In Paradise Valley, AZ
Laser Hair Removal
What is Laser Hair Removal?
This popular procedure permanently reduces unwanted hair, creating lasting smoothness wherever it’s applied. Laser hair removal works by damaging the follicle itself, prohibiting future hair growth. Our state-of-the-art laser can be used on the face, legs, bikini area, and more.
Laser Hair Removal is an alternative to the irritating side effects of shaving and saves time in the morning. Laser hair removal at our practice can typically treat all skin types. This procedure uses laser light beams to target the hair follicle to reduce hair growth in that area. A series of treatments will be required at 4 – 8-week intervals. You won’t have to worry about waxing, shaving, or plucking!
Who can benefit from Laser Hair Removal?
Patients with unwanted hair, irritating ingrown hairs, and those who spend a lot of time and money on waxing or shaving hair can usually benefit from laser hair removal. It used to be only available for those with dark hair, light skin, and no tan, but now laser hair removal can treat all skin types. Through consultation with a G Spa specialist, they can determine if this treatment will benefit you.
How does laser hair removal work?
Laser hair removal works by eliminating the production of hair with laser energy. The laser light is absorbed by hair follicles and destroys the pigment. It does this without damaging the skin and surrounding tissue. It normally takes a series of treatments to achieve ideal results. The most common areas for laser hair removal are lip, chin, underarms, bikini area, and legs.
Why does G Spa offer Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal is one of the most popular cosmetic laser treatments performed for men and women. G Spa offers safe, effective results for laser hair removal. Our highly experienced team uses advanced laser removal technology on the market. There are many benefits to getting laser hair removal, including smoother skin and a reduced or eliminated need for waxing and shaving.
What can be expected after Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal is one of the most popular cosmetic laser treatments performed for men and women. G Spa offers safe, effective results for laser hair removal. Our highly experienced team uses advanced laser removal technology on the market. There are many benefits to getting laser hair removal, including smoother skin and a reduced or eliminated need for waxing and shaving.
CONCERNS: Unwanted hair, ingrown hair.
SUITABLE FOR: Consultation required.
TREATMENT PREP: No Sun Exposure – No Tanning – No Self-Tanners! Sun exposure, tanning bed use and self-tanners all change the pigment/color of the skin. Read more here.
TREATMENT TIME: Appointment length depends upon the treated area. Typically 30 minute – 1.5-hour appointment.
COURSE OF TREATMENT: Follow up as needed. A series of treatments is recommended.
RESULTS SEEN: Immediate result is typically noticed after the first treatment. Results increase over a period of 4-6 weeks.
REPEAT: Series of treatments (typically 9-12) spaced 4-6 weeks apart.