Laser Treatments

In Paradise Valley, AZ

What is Hair Removal?

Hair Removal is an alternative to the irritating side effects of shaving and saves time in the morning. Hair removal at our practice can typically treat all skin types. This procedure uses laser light beams to target the hair follicle to reduce hair growth in that area. A series of treatments will be required at 4 – 8-week intervals. You won’t have to worry about waxing, shaving, or plucking!

Who Can Benefit From Hair Removal?

Patients with unwanted hair, irritating ingrown hairs, and those who spend a lot of time and money on waxing or shaving hair can usually benefit from hair removal. It used to be only available for those with dark hair, light skin, and no tan, but now hair removal can treat all skin types. Through consultation with a G Spa specialist, they can determine if this treatment will benefit you. 

How Does Hair Removal Work?

Hair removal works by eliminating the production of hair with laser energy. The laser light is absorbed by hair follicles and destroys the pigment. It does this without damaging the skin and surrounding tissue. It normally takes a series of treatments to achieve ideal results. The most common areas for hair removal are the lip, chin, underarms, bikini area, and legs.

Why Does G Spa Offer Hair Removal?

Hair removal is one of the most popular cosmetic laser treatments performed for men and women. G Spa offers safe, effective results for hair removal. Our highly experienced team uses advanced laser removal technology on the market. There are many benefits to getting hair removal, including smoother skin and a reduced or eliminated need for waxing and shaving.

What Can Be Expected After Hair Removal?

The skin may feel sensitive and appear red after your hair removal session, similar to the feeling of a sunburn.  Most side effects resolve within a few days. After treatment, you are free to resume your daily activities. It is recommended to avoid swimming or hot tubs for one week, as well as acid-based products and Retin-A or retinol products.  Hair removal offers a long-term solution to annoying, unwanted hair with minimal downtime.

Quick Facts


CONCERNS: Unwanted hair, ingrown hair.

SUITABLE FOR: Consultation required.

TREATMENT PREP: No Sun Exposure – No Tanning – No Self-Tanners! Sun exposure, tanning bed use and self-tanners all change the pigment/color of the skin. Read more here.

TREATMENT TIME: Appointment length depends upon the treated area. Typically 30 minute – 1.5-hour appointment.

COURSE OF TREATMENT: Follow up as needed. A series of treatments is recommended.

RESULTS SEEN: Immediate result is typically noticed after the first treatment. Results increase over a period of 4-6 weeks.

REPEAT: Series of treatments (typically 9-12) spaced 4-6 weeks apart.

What Are Spider Veins?

Spider veins, also known as telangiectasias, are small, thin blood vessels visible beneath the skin’s surface. They usually appear as a web-like network of red, blue, or purple lines, often resembling a spider’s web, hence the name.

What Causes Spider Veins?

Spider veins are caused by various factors, including genetics, pregnancy, hormonal changes, obesity, aging, and prolonged standing or sitting. They most commonly appear on the legs but can also occur on the face, chest, and arms.

Spider veins are typically harmless but can be unsightly and cause discomfort such as aching, itching, or burning. Treatment options include sclerotherapy, laser therapy, and vein surgery. It is best to consult with the G-Spa to determine the best treatment plan for your case.

How Does Spider Vein Laser Therapy Work At G-Spa?

Laser therapy is a non-invasive procedure that uses a focused beam of light to target and shrink spider veins. The laser emits a specific wavelength of light that is absorbed by the hemoglobin in the blood within the spider veins. This causes the blood vessels to coagulate and eventually collapse, leading to their disappearance or fading.

The laser is directed onto the skin over the affected area during the procedure. The laser beam is absorbed by the spider veins, which causes them to heat up and eventually seal shut. The laser treatment is generally well-tolerated and does not require anesthesia.

After the procedure, patients may experience mild redness, swelling, or bruising in the treated area, but this usually resolves within a few days. Multiple treatment sessions may be necessary to achieve optimal results, depending on the severity of the spider veins.

Is Spider Vein Laser Therapy Safe?

Laser therapy is considered safe and effective for treating spider veins, but as with any medical procedure, there are risks and potential side effects. It is important to discuss the benefits and risks of laser therapy with a qualified healthcare professional before undergoing treatment.

Quick Facts


CONCERNS: Unwanted hair, ingrown hair.

SUITABLE FOR: Consultation required.

TREATMENT PREP: No Sun Exposure – No Tanning – No Self-Tanners! Sun exposure, tanning bed use and self-tanners all change the pigment/color of the skin. Read more here.

TREATMENT TIME: Appointment length depends upon the treated area. Typically 30 minute – 1.5-hour appointment.

COURSE OF TREATMENT: Follow up as needed. A series of treatments is recommended.

RESULTS SEEN: Immediate result is typically noticed after the first treatment. Results increase over a period of 4-6 weeks.

REPEAT: Series of treatments (typically 9-12) spaced 4-6 weeks apart.

What is Intense Pulsed Light?

Intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy, aka photofacial, is a way to help with pigmentation as well as improve vein and vascular performance. It can undo some of the visible damage caused by sun exposure — called photoaging. You may notice it mostly on your face, neck, hands, or chest.

IPL may help  with veins, broken capillaries, freckles, birthmarks, and rosacea. IPL can also stimulate collage and elastic fiber production.

How IPL Treatment Works

IPL uses light energy to target a certain color in your skin. When the skin is heated, your body gets rid of the unwanted cells, and that gets rid of the thing you’re being treated for. Unlike lasers, an IPL device sends out more than one wavelength of pulsating light. It can treat a range of skin conditions at the same time.

After IPL, you may look younger because your skin tone is more even. And since the light doesn’t hurt other tissue, you can get better quickly.

What does IPL treat?

  • Helps with pigmentation
  • Lines and Wrinkles
  • Vein and vascular imperfections such as broken capillaries
  • Acne
  • Skin tone (not color)
  • Freckles and Birthmarks
  • Rosacea
  • Stimulates collagen and elastic fiber production
  • Or for those looking for more radiant, youthful-looking skin.

Any Downtime?

No downtime. Just be sure to wear SPF whenever there is sunlight exposure

Quick Facts


CONCERNS: Hyperpigmentation or discoloration, uneven skin tone, age spots and sunspots, acne scars, fine lines and wrinkles, loose skin, stretch marks

SUITABLE FOR: Consultation required.

TREATMENT PREP: If you are planning a cosmetic injection of dermal fillers (Juvederm, Restylane), this may be done four weeks PRIOR (or four weeks POST treatment). 

TREATMENT TIME: 1-2 hour appointment

COURSE OF TREATMENT: A series of treatments is normally recommended.

RESULTS SEEN: Results develop over the course of 2-4 weeks, as the skin heals. Typically 5-7 days of downtime immediately after treatment.

REPEAT: Series of treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart.

PAIR IT UP: Geneo, Dermplaning, or Facial

What is ResurFX™?

Among the most effective skincare treatments we offer is laser skin resurfacing for our patients using the ResurFX™ system. It is the only truly non-ablative fractional laser treatment, and it’s a safe and comfortable option for successfully treating skin concerns on both the face and body. It is a non-ablative laser, meaning it stimulates the skin to develop collagen without harming any tissue.

Who Can Benefit From ResurFX™?

The ResurFX™ is a great option for patients who want to treat various skin conditions with minimal downtime. This gentle laser treatment can treat age spots, fine lines, wrinkles, stretch marks, loose skin, uneven skin texture, reduce scarring, liver spots, sun damage, and more. 

How Does ResurFX™ Work?

As collagen grows, the skin looks tighter, more even, and more youthful. ResurFX™ is also a fractional laser, meaning the laser light that is delivered to the skin is divided into tiny dots. Unlike other fractional devices, ResurFX™ requires only one pass over the skin to produce effective results, reducing treatment time. The device allows for highly customizable treatments, as we can adjust factors such as laser shape, size, density, and energy strength to fit each patient’s precise needs.

Why Does G Spa Offer ResurFX™?

Our goal is to always offer our patients safe, effective treatments that offer minimal downtime and address multiple concerns. That is why we offer the ResurFX™ laser treatment. This treatment can address multiple skin conditions that many patients feel embarrassed by or deem unappealing. Since this treatment does not ablate the skin, it is more gentle than other fractional laser treatments. It offers a quick downtime. So patients can get back to their regular lives.

What Can Be Expected After ResurFX™?

After the ResurFX™ procedure, patients will experience some redness and swelling. This will subside within a few days. Most patients return to their normal daily activities the day following their ResurFX™ treatment. It is important to avoid excessive sun exposure after the treatment. It’s recommended to apply sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher following the treatment.

Before & After of ResurFX™

ResurFX™ for fine lines and wrinkles with Dr. Mark Plastic Surgery in Paradise Valley, Arizona
ResurFX™ for stretch marks with Dr. Mark Plastic Surgery in Paradise Valley, Arizona
ResurFX™ for Skin Texture with Dr. Mark Plastic Surgery in Paradise Valley, Arizona
ResurFX™ for Scarring with Dr. Mark Plastic Surgery in Paradise Valley, Arizona