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Dr. Mark Plastic Surgery Facelift Before & After (1)

Facelifts in Paradise Valley are my favorite surgeries due to the tremendous patient satisfaction achieved by “rewinding the clock” and the technical nuances required to execute it properly. I often tell my patients that facial aging encompasses three elements: descent, volume loss, and skin quality. All patients realize that their skin and soft tissues descend and become lax with age, and nearly all of my patients perform the maneuver in the mirror where they pull their skin back with their hands to demonstrate what they want. Indeed, there is an excess of skin, which is removed with a facelift; however, the other two aging elements are equally important to address to achieve a beautiful result in rejuvenating the face. The face loses volume (fat and bone recession) as we age, especially in the upper and middle third of the face. The youthful face is heart-shaped, with nice width and height of the cheeks. As we age, the heart inverts, and the telltale signs of aging develop; hollow temples, sunken cheeks, and a heavy lower face with jowl formation. Restoring volume to the face is critical to maximizing the power of a facelift and is performed with fat grafting (transfer of fat from the belly or legs to the face) and repositioning facial tissues. The final component of aging is worsening skin quality. Sun damage is the leading culprit contributing to thinning and skin elasticity loss. A facelift does NOT improve skin quality! This is achieved with additional modalities such as laser resurfacing, chemical peels, or dermabrasion.

I tell my patients they can expect to look 10-20 years younger following a facelift that properly addresses the three components of facial aging. From there, the normal aging process resumes, but with proper skin maintenance through our medical spa (G Spa Medical Aesthetics) and sun protection, we expect the results to age gracefully.

Dr. Mark Plastic Surgery Facelift Before & After (2)

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